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A List of Asanas | Yoga Postures by Type

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A list of yoga postures.

All in Alphabetical Order

Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimattanasana | Seated Half Bound Forward Fold

Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana | Standing Half Bound Forward Fold

Adho Mukha Svanasana | Downward Facing Dog

Bhujapidasana | Arm Pressure Pose

Chaturanga | 4 Limbed Staff Pose

Dandasana | Staff Pose

Halasana | Plow Pose

Janu Sirsasana | Head to Knee Pose - A, B, C

Kukkutasana | Cock Pose

Kurmasana | Tortoise Pose

Marichyasana | Named for a Sage - A, B, C, D

Matsyasana | Fish Pose

Navasana | Boat Pose

Padangusthasana | Hand to Foot Pos

Pada Hastasana | Hand Under Foot Pose

Padmasana | Lotus Pose

Parsvottanasana | Intense Side Stretch

Paschimattanasana | Intense Back Stretch or Seated Forward Fold


Purvottanasana | Upward Plank

Samasthih | Equal Standing Pose

Sarvangasana | Shoulderstand

Setu Bandhasana | Bridge Pose

Sukhasana | No Asana

Savasana | Corpse Pose

Ubhaya Padangusthasana

Utkatasana | Fierce Pose

Uttanasana | Intense Stretch or Standing Forward Fold

Urdhva Dhanurasana | Upward Facing Bow Pose

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana | Standing Hand to Big Toe Pose

Urdhva Padmasana | Upside Down Lotus

Utthita Trikonasana | Triangle Pose - A, B

Utthita Parsvakonasana | Extended Side Angle Pose - A, B

Virabhadrasana A | Warrior I

Virabhadrasana B | Warrior II

Arm Balances

Bhujapidasana | Arm Pressure Pose

Kukkutasana | Cock Pose

Supta Kurmasana


Matsyasana | Fish Pose

Setu Bandhasana | Bridge Pose

Utkatasana | Fierce Pose

Urdhva Dhanurasana | Upward Facing Bow Pose

Core Strength

Garbha Pindasana | Embryo in the Womb Pose

Navasana | Boat Pose

Ubhaya Padangusthasana

Forward Folds

Halasana | Plow Pose

Karna Pidasana | Ear Pressure Pose


Halasana | Plow Pose

Karna Pidasana | Ear Pressure Pose

Urdhva Padmasana | Upside Down Lotus

Hip Openers

Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimattanasana | Seated Half Bound Forward Fold

Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana | Standing Half Bound Forward Fold

Baddha Konasana | Cobbler Pose - A, B

Garbha Pindasana | Embryo in the Womb Pose

Kukkutasana | Cock Pose

Kurmasana | Tortoise Pose

Marichyasana | Named for a Sage - A, B, C, D

Matsyasana | Fish Pose

Padmasana | Lotus Pose

Supta Kurmasana

Upavishta Konasana | Seated Wide Legged Forward Fold - A, B

Urdhva Padmasana | Upside Down Lotus

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana | Standing Hand to Big Toe Pose

Utthita Parsvakonasana | Extended Side Angle Pose - A, B

Virabhadrasana A | Warrior I

Virabhadrasana B | Warrior II

Postures on All Fours

Adho Mukha Svanasana | Downward Facing Dog

Urdhva Dhanurasana | Upward Facing Bow Pose

Seated Postures

Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimattanasana | Seated Half Bound Forward Fold

Baddha Konasana | Cobbler Pose - A, B

Dandasana | Staff Pose

Janu Sirsasana | Head to Knee Pose - A, B, C

Kurmasana | Tortoise Pose

Padmasana | Lotus Pose

Paschimattanasana | Intense Back Stretch or Seated Forward Fold

Tiryangmukha Eka Pada Paschimattanasana | Three Limbes Facing One Direction Pose or One Leg Forward One Leg Back

Upavishta Konasana | Seated Wide Legged Forward Fold - A, B

Shoulder Openers

Halasana | Plow Pose

Karna Pidasana | Ear Pressure Pose

Marichyasana | Named for a Sage - A, B, C, D

Utkatasana | Fierce Pose

Spine Lengtheners

Dandasana | Staff Pose

Garbha Pindasana | Embryo in the Womb Pose

Standing Postures

Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana | Standing Half Bound Forward Fold

Parsvottanasana | Intense Side Stretch

Padangusthasana | Hand to Foot Pose

Pada Hastasana | Hand Under Foot Pose

Utkatasana | Fierce Pose

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana | Standing Hand to Big Toe Pose

Utthita Trikonasana | Triangle Pose - A, B

Utthita Parsvakonasana | Extended Side Angle Pose - A, B

Virabhadrasana A | Warrior I

Virabhadrasana B | Warrior II

Supine Postures

Matsyasana | Fish Pose

Savasana | Corpse Pose

Sukhasana | No Asana

Supta Padangusthasana | Reclined Hand to Big Toe Pose


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